Sunday, July 22, 2007

Kill Your Televsion!!!

Ever heard that term? Before I attempt to inspire passion for the outdoors, nature, and abundance; I first must address the problem of the biggest time sink in our culture - TELEVISION. Television should be classified as anything portrayed on a screen (movies, videos, Ipods, and yes, even most of YouTube) that does not challenge the mind. In my opinion, television is the biggest single killer of creativity. Want to be a sheep? Want to think like everyone else? Want to be mediocre? Just do what everyone else does.... In order to nurture creativity and individuality, and have the time to put that creativity to work, one must unplug from the tube.

Read more on why TV is bad for you.
Read why TV is bad for your wallet.

What did they do with the children?

Photo courtesy of Oregon's Photostream

Average daily allotments of household and individual television viewing increased from the previous year to reach all-time highs during the 2005-06 season.
"These results demonstrate that television still holds its position as the most popular entertainment platform," said Patricia McDonough of Nielsen Media Research. "At this point, consumption of emerging forms of entertainment, including Internet television and video on personal devices, seems not to be making an impact on traditional television viewing."
The total average time per household in 2005-06 was eight hours and 14 minutes per day.
-- Reuters (September 22, 2006)

My Blog attempts to look at life on the positive side, but this topic is, in my opinion so incredibly serious that I must conclude with the following thoughts:
Time spent watching Television is simply a way of voluntarily shortening your life. Time is the essence of life. Life is far too precious to squander time in such a mediocre manner.

Ending with a favorite quote;

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
-Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Celebration of Life, Nature, and Abundance

"To the dull mind nature is leaden. To the illuminated mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dare to follow this exploration into the natural world that has been set before us. Dare to wonder and dream of the places you have never been. Discover the hidden treasures that lay just outside your door!