ODpassion would not be complete without a post from Yosemite.
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
A breaking spring storm unveils misting falls in full glory. Pictured below, is my all time favorite image of a waterfall;
Nevada Falls, May 2000
My passion for nature and the outdoors is wildly provoked when I view this image. I fall short when I try to describe what I feel. It's as if all of my life's experience and memories of the most beautiful places I have been come together and cry out with an ecstatic familiarity. I know from the writings of others that there is a spiritual connection humans have with nature. It comes from a source so deep that language cannot describe it. It must be felt. Rationalism is left scrambling for the exits in this arena of being. In my own existential terms, I feel as though I am viewing through primordial eyes at the awesome work of God.