Saturday, October 20, 2007

Misty Valley

ODpassion would not be complete without a post from Yosemite.

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir

A breaking spring storm unveils misting falls in full glory. Pictured below, is my all time favorite image of a waterfall;

Nevada Falls, May 2000

My passion for nature and the outdoors is wildly provoked when I view this image. I fall short when I try to describe what I feel. It's as if all of my life's experience and memories of the most beautiful places I have been come together and cry out with an ecstatic familiarity. I know from the writings of others that there is a spiritual connection humans have with nature. It comes from a source so deep that language cannot describe it. It must be felt. Rationalism is left scrambling for the exits in this arena of being. In my own existential terms, I feel as though I am viewing through primordial eyes at the awesome work of God.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Earth Sculptures 2

In honor of Earth Sculptures, and my explanation of the difference between Arch and Bridge, I had to conclude with this unique natural wonder;

Stream eroded Natural Bridge

Natural Bridges National Monument is a Federally protected area in Utah that operates much like a National Park. They state on the website that this area features the darkest skies in the country. Yep, its remote! You can feel it when you visit. Many archaeological sites in this area are still being discovered for the first time.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Earth Sculptures

The warm, red heart of western North America contains a land with an unexpected and strangely beautiful landscape. The shapes and geomorphic forms found here tell the story of an ancient earth, where dinosaurs and shallow seas once dwelled. Arches National Park is located north of the town of Moab Utah, and just east of Canyonlands National Park. A visit to Arches National Park will reveal the massive sandstone formations that have eroded over the millenia from the simple process weather. An arch is a feature that forms by the action of weather as opposed to a natural bridge which is formed from the erosional process of rivers, streams, lakes and oceans.

In the Eye


Friday, October 5, 2007

Wizard Pool

Deep in the Desert Wilderness of Death Valley National Park lies a very remote and beautiful valley surrounded by towering mountains and rocky escarpments. Saline Valley seems cut off from civilization like very few places on earth. In the days of man over nature, mining of all sorts was the interest of this area of California. The old mining roads are still used to access the area. The nearest civilization of any sort is located about 85 miles at the town of Lone Pine California. In the north east corner of Saline Valley lies one of nature's rare gems, a hot spring.

Wizard Pool

There are several tubs at this extremely primitive Park campground. Although you must be forewarned, as with any primitive hot spring area, the tubs may contain outdoorsy folk in their most natural form. A great retreat far from the constraints and stresses of modern life. The stars shimmer a little brighter out here....

Surfing The 'Shivermouth'

On the central coast of California, just south of Monterey Bay is a majestic place called Big Sur. One of the most wild sections of coastline from Canada to Mexico, Big Sur is truly a taste of heaven on earth. For the outdoor minded, a "must see before you die" place in this world.

Where the pristine Big Sur River meets the sea

On a very cold November morning, in the early light of dawn I prepare to brave the chilly brackish water formed by the mixing of the pure Big Sur River with the Sea. Local surfers call this place "Shivermouth" for a reason, as the river water in the late fall and winter is often much colder than the ocean!