Friday, October 5, 2007

Wizard Pool

Deep in the Desert Wilderness of Death Valley National Park lies a very remote and beautiful valley surrounded by towering mountains and rocky escarpments. Saline Valley seems cut off from civilization like very few places on earth. In the days of man over nature, mining of all sorts was the interest of this area of California. The old mining roads are still used to access the area. The nearest civilization of any sort is located about 85 miles at the town of Lone Pine California. In the north east corner of Saline Valley lies one of nature's rare gems, a hot spring.

Wizard Pool

There are several tubs at this extremely primitive Park campground. Although you must be forewarned, as with any primitive hot spring area, the tubs may contain outdoorsy folk in their most natural form. A great retreat far from the constraints and stresses of modern life. The stars shimmer a little brighter out here....

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